About Us

The HIKING CLUB OF WA (Inc) – a Member Club of Hikewest – was formed in September 2001 to meet the needs of walkers who prefer to do their recreational activities on a Saturday.

We are a friendly group of walkers who are keen to welcome people from 18 years onwards.  Our current Membership ranges from those in their early 40’s to those in their 80’s.

We aim to provide recreational walking and associated activities in both suburban and country areas for: exercise; an appreciation of our natural surroundings; and social interaction within a friendly group of people.

What We Do

We are an inclusive walk and talk group with a range of Activities in our Program to suit different abilities and fitness levels.  We offer Easy and Easy/Moderate walks through to more challenging Moderate and Moderate/Hard day hikes, see (About Our Activities), as well as Social Activities.

We aim to have something for everyone and are always keen to welcome new faces on our Easy walks.

New to Walking or Coming Back to it?

Are you thinking of walking with our group, but are a bit nervous about getting started?  Maybe you are worried that you might be unable to keep up with us.  Our Club Activities Program usually has some Easy walks for you to attend, see (Upcoming Activities), at which you will discover how we operate as a group.

To try us out, see (How to Walk with Us).

Other Hiking Clubs in Perth

Click here for links to Hikewest, WalkGPS and the Bibbulmum Track Foundation.

Contact Us

Need more information?  Please Contact Us.

We welcome Registered Visitors along on our Easy walks.


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